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多样性 & 包含奖

Honorable Mention Received – NCAA/MOAA 2021 Award for 多样性 and Inclusion

The National Collegiate Athletic Associate (NCAA) and Minority Opportunities Athletic Association (MOAA) presented Tiffin University with Honorable Mention honors for the 2021 Award for 多样性 and Inclusion.

The NCAA/MOAA Award for 多样性 and Inclusion recognizes the initiatives, policies and practices of schools and offices that embrace diversity and 包容 in intercollegiate athletics. This can be achieved through community service, 专业发展, hiring practices or programming activities that 增强 opportunities for people of diverse cultures, 背景及经历.  吊杆Gragg座椅, 包容性高级副总裁, Education and Community Engagement for NCAA 所述 in a letter to TU, “The Committee was impressed by your intentional efforts to foster an inclusive campus environment for student-athletes, 教练和管理人员.” 

和艾伦, Vice President for 博彩平台推荐 at Tiffin University, 所述, “Receiving this award is an excellent example of our hard work and dedication to making our campus culture inviting for all.”


NCAA/MOAA Award for 多样性 and Inclusion Presentation


Tiffin University’s Student-Athletic Advisory Committee (SAAC) video for award consideration


在2017年9月29日,TU的教务长,博士. 彼得·霍尔布鲁克和他的同事. 克里斯蒂娜·柯林斯博士. 茱莉亚波特 received the Minority Access Award on behalf of Tiffin University at the National Role Models Conference. This is one of the most prestigious conferences of its kind, addressing issues of diversity and disparities in our nation. 

(图左起:Dr. 克里斯蒂娜·柯林斯博士. Peter Holbrook和Dr. 茱莉亚波特.)

Minority Access is committed to increasing diversity, and its mission is to assist colleges and universities to recruit, 增强, and retain underserved and underrepresented populations. “Minority Access is pleased to bestow this special honor on TU in recognition of its current commitment to diversity,梅森·门罗说, 少数民族权利主任. “我们祝贺博彩平台推荐.”

Tiffin University received this award in recognition for their work on campus with the initiative, 庆祝文化独特性, which was implemented in 2016 by Tiffin University’s President, Dr. 莉莲舒马赫. 


Tiffin University received this award from Minority Access again in 2018.

“It’s one thing for an institution to say it is committed to diversity, 包容 and cultural competence through vision statements and strategic plans. It’s completely different when they live it out through demonstrated leadership commitment and strategic efforts to address it at every facet of the campus community. 这就是博彩平台推荐所做的. The Cultural Intelligence Center is excited to partner with TU as it continues on its journey to ensure that graduates, 教师, 和工作人员, regardless of their area of specialty are: innovative problem solvers who can leverage diversity of any type to work effectively with people who are different from them and produce innovative ideas. We see cultural intelligence (CQ) as the solution to accomplishing this exciting and monumental task. Tiffin is committing the time and resources – from requiring students to complete the only academically validated CQ Assessment to training and developing the CQ of staff and 教师 – necessary to create a culturally intelligent campus community and prepare students for the global and multicultural environment.”

— Dr. Sandra Upton / Vice President, Educational Initiatives Cultural Intelligence Center

“I had a wonderful experience working with the Tiffin leadership team around diversity, 包容, 和归属感. 我们探索了一些伟大的想法, unpacked our varied perspectives about them, and worked to create shared vocabulary and values to move forward together. 和, we got to invite the student body into this learning through a massive student gathering during which we talked about creating a campus culture that not only tolerates but celebrates every student 和工作人员 member. The energy was fantastic, and the students engaged. 我迫不及待地想再回来看看!”

——丹尼尔·朱迪/发言人 & 召集人,业主
To truly stand out, we must not feel compelled to fit in.